• MIDAS Investment Limited

    A Subsidiary of MIDAS Financing Limited

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    A full fledged Merchant Banker and Portfolio Manager

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Portfolio Management

Primary Market

Structured Finance

Panel Broker

who we are

MIDAS Investment Limited (MIL), a fully owned subsidiary of MIDAS Financing Limited, is a full-fledged Merchant Banker & Portfolio Manager. MIDAS Investment Limited was incorporated with Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSCF) on April 09, 2012 as a Private Limited Company under Companies Act, 1994. MIL has obtained Merchant Banking license from Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) on September 06, 2016 to act as a full-fledged Merchant Banker under Merchant Banker and Portfolio Manager Regulations, 1996. It started journey on January 01, 2017. The company has been established with a view to contributing in the development of Capital Market of Bangladesh.

*Urgent Notice

SQURPHARMA: Credit Rating Result

Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has rated the Company as “AAA” in the long term and “ST-1” in the short term along with a stable outlook in consideration of its audited financials up to June 30, 2017, unaudited financials up to September 30, 2017 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.

EMERALDOIL: Query Response

In response to a DSE query dated December 24, 2017, the Company has informed that there is no undisclosed price sensitive information of the Company for recent unusual price hike of shares.

DSENEWS: Training Program on Compliance and Associated Issues

Training Program on “Compliance and Associated Issues” : The program will be held on January 07-11, 2018 at 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. For registration and information, interested participants are requested to contact DSE Training Academy, 9/G Building (5th floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. Queries in this regard may be directed to the Academy at 9564601, 9576210-18, Ext. nos. 256, 157, 158, 333 or email at training@dse.com.bd. N.B. Registration is considered on first come first served basis.

DSENEWS: Awareness Message for Investors

(Repeat): While making investment decision in the Capital Market, INVESTORS should not rely on any information obtained from an unauthorized source such as facebook etc.

Our Products

  • Midas

  • Who have excess money to invest but does not have the margin appetite
  • Cash Account
  • No Margin Facility
  • A/c Opening Fee Tk. 500
  • Trade Commission 0.40%
  • No Management Fee
  • Minimum Investment Amount – 1 Lac
  • No Early Withdrawel Fee
  • No Early Withdrawel Fee
  • Midas

  • Who want to take margin facility but does not have a large portfolio bucket
  • Margin Account
  • Not Large Portfolio Apetite
  • A/c Opening Fee Tk. 500
  • Trade Commission 0.40%
  • Management Fee – 1%
  • Margin Interest Rate – 14%
  • Minimum Investment Amount 5 Lac – 50 Lac
  • No Early Withdrawel Fee
  • Midas

  • Who want to take margin facility but does not have a large portfolio bucket
  • Margin Account
  • Not Large Portfolio Apetite
  • A/c Opening Fee Tk. 500
  • Trade Commission 0.40%
  • Management Fee – 1%
  • Margin Interest Rate – 14%
  • Minimum Investment Amount More than 50 Lac
  • No Early Withdrawel Fee

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Our Services

NITA (Non Resident Investors Taka Account) is a facility that is provided to non-resident individuals/institutions including non-resident Bangladeshi nationals who are interested in trading Bangladeshi

NITA (Non Resident Investors Taka Account) is a facility that is provided to non-resident individuals/institutions including non-resident Bangladeshi nationals who are interested in trading Bangladeshi

NITA (Non Resident Investors Taka Account) is a facility that is provided to non-resident individuals/institutions including non-resident Bangladeshi nationals who are interested in trading Bangladeshi